3. Alaska

           Alaska is located in the extreme northwest part of the North American continent and looks out to Russia on its western side. One of the least populated states in the United States of America (population: 663,661 people), Alaska is also the largest one, over twice the size of Texas. Alaska is bordered by Yukon Territory and British Columbia to the east, the Gulf of Alaska and the Pacific Ocean to the south, the Bering Sea, Bering Strait, and Chukchi Sea to the west, and the Beaufort Sea and the Arctic Ocean to the north.

           There is a well-developed ferry system in Alaska to make up for the fact that usually there are no roads that connect to the main cities. For example, Juneau, the capital, is accessible only by air or by ship. Did you know that Alaska pipes 1.8 million barrels of oil a day through a 800-mile-long pipeline? The pipeline travels in a zig zag pattern and more than half of it is supported above the ground.

           What is Alsaka like for the natives? The igloo is a traditional home made out of blocks of snow. Built in a spiral pattern, the igloo has a hole in the top that allows air to circulate and an ice window that lets daylight shine through. The Alaskan people also build totem poles for several reasons: to tell a story or the history of a clan; to honor a chief or the memory of a dead or respected person; to show someone's wealth and power. The poles are carved from cedar wood and painted with pigments found in soil, berry juice and spruce sap. The poles can be any size. Kayaks are boats built for one or two people. They have wooden frames that are covered with animal skins. Nowadays a synthetic fiber often replaces the skin. A double-bladed paddle is used to steer the boat.

           During the spring and fall, or on winter nights, there is a spectacle called the Northern Lights. A colored light looking like a huge drapery fills the sky, but the lights may also look like just a simple arc.

           Alaska's reindeer originally came from Siberia. Another animal with antlers-the caribou-have wide hoofs which are helpful for walking in snow and ice and also for paddling in the water. The sea lions like to live around quiet islands and shallow water. Alaska has several kinds each of seals, bears, and whales.

          Would you like to visit Alaska someday?